Hi, I’m Michael Bayyouk

an experienced instructional designer proficient in ILT/vILT, eLearning, video editing, and Articulate 360.

Michael Bayyouk

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US Government Accountability Office

As an instructional designer working with the United States Government Accountability Office, my primary focus was on ensuring that all content was 508, WCAG, and ADA compliant. I served as a disability subject matter expert and worked with the agency to design training curriculum for creating accessible documents. I reviewed agency documents and generated recommendations to enhance their accessibility.

To achieve these goals, I collaborated with multiple stakeholders, including content creators, IT staff, and subject matter experts. We worked together to ensure that all documents and training materials were accessible to people with disabilities. This involved reviewing all content, from documents and spreadsheets to training videos and presentations.

In addition to reviewing documents, I also provided training to agency staff on how to create accessible content. This training covered best practices for document design, such as creating accessible tables and adding alternative text to images. I also provided guidance on how to create accessible multimedia content, such as videos and audio files.

Throughout the project, I maintained a focus on 508, WCAG, and ADA compliance. This involved staying up-to-date on the latest accessibility guidelines and requirements and making sure that all content met those standards.

Overall, my work with the United States Government Accountability Office was focused on ensuring that all content was accessible to everyone, regardless of their disabilities. By working with agency staff and subject matter experts, we were able to create a culture of accessibility and improve the quality of agency documents and training materials.


I was responsible for developing eLearning content using Adobe Captivate software. My role involved collaborating with subject matter experts to analyze content and design learning objectives that aligned with GAO’s mission and goals.

I worked closely with the project team to create storyboards, design simulations, and develop multimedia content that effectively conveyed complex information. I ensured that the content was interactive, engaging, and presented in a manner that met the learning needs of diverse audiences.

In addition to developing eLearning content, I provided training and support to GAO staff on how to use Adobe Captivate software. I facilitated workshops and webinars on best practices for designing effective eLearning courses, including how to use multimedia elements, create engaging assessments, and track learner progress.

I also collaborated with the IT department to troubleshoot technical issues and ensure that the eLearning courses were accessible to all GAO employees, including those with disabilities. This involved testing the courses for compliance with Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 guidelines, as well as making adjustments to ensure that they met the needs of users with hearing, visual, and cognitive impairments.

Overall, my work as an instructional designer at the GAO was instrumental in providing high-quality eLearning content to support the agency’s mission and goals, as well as enhancing the skills and knowledge of its staff.


I was responsible for managing the Learning Management System (LMS). My primary goal was to ensure that the LMS met the needs of the agency and its employees, and was compliant with government regulations.

To achieve this, I worked closely with the LMS vendor to implement updates and resolve any technical issues that arose. I also provided support to agency employees who had questions or issues with the LMS, and conducted user training sessions to help them navigate the system.

In addition to managing the LMS, I was also responsible for ensuring that all training content was uploaded and available on the platform. This involved working with subject matter experts to develop and design engaging and effective eLearning courses that were accessible to all employees.

To ensure the effectiveness of the training content, I conducted regular evaluations and assessments to measure the impact of the training on employee performance. I also worked with the agency’s leadership to identify areas where additional training was needed, and developed training plans to address these needs.

Another aspect of my role was to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in instructional design and eLearning, and to incorporate these into our training programs. This involved attending conferences and workshops, as well as collaborating with other instructional designers and industry experts.

Overall, my role as an instructional designer at the United States Government Accountability Office was critical in ensuring that the agency’s employees had access to high-quality, effective training that helped them perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively.

Sure, here’s a job summary for an instructional designer that worked with the United States Government Accountability Office on video production:

Video Production

I worked extensively on video production. My role involved creating engaging and informative videos that effectively conveyed complex information to a diverse audience. Some of the highlights of my work in this area include storyboarding, directing, and recording.

In order to create effective videos, I began by conducting a thorough analysis of the subject matter, as well as the intended audience. This helped me to identify key concepts and ideas that needed to be communicated, as well as the most effective ways to present this information in a visual format.

Once I had a clear understanding of the content, I worked on storyboarding and scripting the video. This involved developing a detailed plan for the visuals and audio elements, as well as determining the appropriate pacing and timing of the video.

When it came to the actual production of the video, I played a key role in directing and recording the content. This involved working with a team of videographers and other production professionals to ensure that the video was shot and edited to a high standard.

Throughout the production process, I was responsible for ensuring that the video met all relevant standards and requirements. This included ensuring that the video was accessible to all users, as well as complying with any relevant regulations or guidelines.

Overall, my work on video production at the United States Government Accountability Office was challenging and rewarding. I enjoyed the opportunity to use my skills and expertise to create engaging and informative videos that helped to educate and inform a wide range of audiences.


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Designed by Michael Bayyouk